Preparing the Office
Your office is a personal space — make sure that you set it up for yourself, and so you will be able to work efficiently and pleasantly. What is right for me will not be right for the next person, and our combined preferences should be secondary to your own.
Objective: Select your office tools to suit your own goals.
- Try to arrange for a private, dedicated office space
- It should have secure storage
- cabinets
- shelving
- drawers
- It should house your own personal oganizational system, including any or all of the following:
- flat surfaces for papers and work areas
- space for loose leaf notebooks
- space for reference books
- computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse
- removable hard drives and back-up software
- scanner and scanning software
- record-keeping applications
- Preservation materials
- acid free folders
- copy paper
- acid free or plastic boxes