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Hints on Preservation

Paul Schlotthauer

Many of us who own old family documents and mementos that we want to pass along to future generations probably don’t realize the importance of proper care and storage. Following is some information that can help you prolong the life of your irreplaceable family treasures.


Attics and basements are often used for storage, but these places are usually not the best homes for old artifacts. Books, photographs, and papers need to live in environments with moderate and stable temperatures and relative humidity. Extreme heat and temperature fluctuations can make paper brittle (the fibers weaken as they constantly expand and contract), while high humidity causes mold and mildew. Keep books and papers away from direct sunlight or bright artificial light to prevent fading and damage from ultraviolet radiation. Valuables should not be stored near potential sources of water damage (such as basement floors that may flood, water pipes, and washing machines) and heat damage (such as radiators, fireplaces, and appliances that produce heat). Dehumidifiers and fans that circulate clean air can help if you must use your attic or basement. Dirt and dust are no friends of longevity, so good housekeeping is a must.

Paul Schlotthauer has been an archivist and librarian at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Teachers College at Columbia University, and the Queens Borough Public Library. He is currently the archivist of Pratt Institute and lives in New York City. He will also be providing two short articles for the March issue of the Newsletter: how to relax paper (so that it can be unfolded) and how to remove the musty smell from old books easily and safely.

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November 13, 2010
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